
SEMINAR // Coexist With Beauty. 2nd session: Intentional Beauty

Seminar led by Oriol Fontdevila. Session with Amica Dall (Assemble) and Julia Ramírez-Blanco
29 September, 2021 - 17:00 to 20:00

​Beauty is not found only in the eyes of the beholder: it also is part of the world we live in. Beauty is a provision oriented towards attraction, and is implicit in political and social mobilisation. Beauty is a multiplier of libido, of affective energy, and even of cognitive and organisational possibilities. Thus, quite probably, no mode of existence or life together would thrive without its presence.​

With Amica Dall (Assemble) and Julia Ramírez-Blanco.

The other seminar sessions are:

Unavowable Beauty. 28 September. With Núria Güell and Patrícia Esquivias.

Post-Aesthetic Beauty. 30 September. With Javier Peñafiel & Rita Rakosnik.


Free activity. Requires prior registration in:
