PUBLIC PRESENTATION LA TRAMA / Things our bodies remember about the thread factory

6 November, 2021 - 12:30 to 14:00

This long-running project called Things our bodies remember about the thread factory was initiated to give a voice to the stories and memories of the women who used to work at Fabra i Coats, with the aim of gathering everything that isn’t explained in its official history. For this reason, we have promoted a shared research process with people and associations in Sant Andreu, which focuses on documents and records of everyday life at the factory: the smell of the dyes, the repetitive movements of winding and patching, the sounds of the machines... and many other things we don't know about factory life. Through different meetings with former workers from the factory, during which experiences are shared among neighbours and friends who previously worked at the complex, students from the Adult Education Centre Pegaso and La Poderosa address the actions that connect with these records and appropriate the objects in the exhibition halls that now occupy the space.
