Process // c0pistes: reproduccions i desplaçaments

1 October, 2021 - 09:00 to 3 December, 2021 - 22:00

Imatge de la peça 'Copiar a Manuela' (Esquivias, 2021) per al procés 'C0pistes'.

Imatge de la peça 'Copiar a Manuela' (Esquivias, 2021) per al procés 'C0pistes'.
Imatge de la peça 'Copiar a Manuela' (Esquivias, 2021) per al procés 'C0pistes'.

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' I

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' I
Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' I

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' II

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' II
Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' II

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' III

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' III
Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' III

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' IV

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' IV
Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' IV

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' V

Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' V
Sessions de treball del procés 'C0pistes' V

Winning project of the Premis Barcelona 2020. With the collaboration of La Trama, the culture, education and territory programme of Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Centre of Barcelona and Art Factory, curated by Transductores. Created by the La Laberinta group, educator Elena Blesa Cábez, the IES Martí Pous school and artist Ezequiel Soriano.

​Based on the theme and methodologies used by artist Patricia Esquivias in her work Copiar a Manuela [Copying Manuela] (2021) and over various sessions, fourth-year secondary education students from Institut Martí Pous developed a project that addressed questions about the use of images, the potential of copying and memory practices in Sant Andreu.
In addition to exploring the subject, different actions were worked on by the students and other artists invited for the occasion, inside and outside the Art Centre and the Fabra i Coats complex, such as dérives and interventions in public spaces. The final intervention in public will be presented on 3 December during the fiestas of Sant Andreu.
