

7 May, 2016 - 18:00

On Saturday we celebrate the opening at the Centre d'Art Fabra i Coats of 1st project 1st phase.

Living In-between
[Institutional Developments / Artistic Practices / Collective Processes]
A project by: Idensitat ID + LaFundició + Synapse Projecte + Transducers

To coincide with the opening of Living in-between a Cercavila (parade) that is set to start at 6 p.m. will accompany the Menhir Giant project by Lola Lasurt to the inside of the Fabra i Coats Contemporary Art Centre. The Cercavila will be organised by the colles geganteres (giants groups) of the Can Fabra, Ignasi Iglésias, Eulàlia Bota, Turó Blau and Mestre Gibert schools.

At 7 p.m., once the parade has reached the Art Centre, there will be an improvised music performance led by Mau Boada, with the participation of the batucada (percussion) group Tukandú and drummers Trinifoc and Trinigrallaos.

6 p.m. Cercavila – Departs from Plaça Orfila to the Contemporary Art Centre (Sant Andreu neighbourhood)

7 p.m. Improvised music performance – Mau Boada / Opening of the exhibition Living in-between

Cohabitar muntatge

Programs and participants in the 1st phase of 'Living In-between':

Daniel Miracle (Neokinok), Pamela Gallo (Ubutv) and Hugo Barbosa (hbprgms).

Lemur + Escola Can Fabra, Lola Lasurt, Teleduca. Educacio and Comunicacio SCP + CRP Sant Andreu.

On the exhibition: Serpentine Galleries / Centre for Possible Studies, with the project Re:assembly by the Ultra-red collective; Intermediae, with the project Paisaje Sur - Autoconstruyendo UseraVillaverde ; Fundación Museos Quito-Mediación Comunitaria, with the project Mercado de San Roque ; Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia, with the project Territorio Archivo .

Artibarri, Ciutat Invisible, Ateneu Nou Barris and collectives of visual artists, as research member's group.

Espai Germanetes, with Laia Solé, Catie de Balmann, Straddle3, Carme de la Madrid – EASD Serra i Abella students and Anka Zawadzka - Janek Dowgiallo; El Solar de La Puri, with Taller de Ficción, Laboratorio Reversible and CCCB Centro de Cultivos Contemporáneos del Barrio; Desdelamina, with Isma Monfort and Col·lectiu I Love La Mina, Col·lectiu Supterranis, Espai Colona; Fireplace, with Carlos Valverde, Quim Packard, Claudia Pagès, Laura Llaneli, Llança Sosun, Juanjo Pedro; Curro Claret, with Fundació Arrels; Torolab.

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