
I’ll bring. Performance Workshop-Supterranis at the Festival Plaga

18 May, 2016 - 19:00 to 20:00

Place: Floor 0.

Participants: organised by Supterrani/Festival Plaga. Open invitation.

The I’ll bring (Yo pongo) activity is a site- and time-specific ephemeral exhibition proposal that revisits the first proto-Plaga meet-up. It lasts as long as the group of participants remain at a place, and when these people leave, the exhibition comes to an end. To participate in the activity, those attending are asked to bring along a work that they would like to share with everyone else. It is also proposed that the works be explained by their bearers during the time that the exhibition lasts, thus opening up the possibility of generating a new narrative.

Activitat - Yo pongo
