
Cleòpatra a Puríssima

Free adaptation of the text by Ivan Morales
18 July, 2016 - 18:00

Dates: 18 July

Place: Solar de la Puri (c. Puríssima Concepció, 18. Poble-sec)

Participants: Marabal and Taller de Ficció. Directed by: Joel Álvarez and Taller de Ficció. Cast: Oscar Galindo and Ester López.

This is a neighbourhood threatened by property speculation, there is a street full of stories. Stories such as that of Isabel and Dylan, and like those of the other people who previously lived where a building plot now stands. Cleòpatra a Puríssima takes a tour through some of these stories on the street called Puríssima Concepció, up to a few days before the demolition of three of its buildings, when Dylan returns to Puríssima to say goodbye to Isabel and to their life there.

Based on an audiovisual archive around the street called Puríssima Concepció, and a theatre play inspired by this archive, Marabal and Taller de Ficció present a new show based on the two: Cleòpatra a Puríssima.

imatge cleopatra taller de ficció
