"Stripart 2024" 28th Young People’s Art Festival

Centre Cívic Guinardó

From 29/06/2024 to 19/07/2024

Emerging art. The festival for emerging art features artistic projects by young creators.

The Guinardó community centre fills with artwork and different activities from 29 June to 19 July, helping us to engage with the multiple languages of today’s art.

The centre will be welcoming 65 artistic projects by young creators under the age of 35, with works in a wide variety of disciplines, from painting to video art, photography, installations, dance and sculpture.

Besides displaying works in different parts of the building, the Stripart features a well-founded programme that includes concerts, performing arts and workshops for all types of audiences, giving new tools for artistic expression to artists and members of the public alike.

Check out the programme.

Centre Cívic Guinardó

Ronda del Guinardó, 113 - 133
el Guinardó

Stripart és un festival de projectes artístics realitzats per joves creadors. El Centre Cívic Guinardó s'omple de propostes artístiques i de diferents activitats que ens apropen i ens mostren els múltiples llenguatges de l'art actual.