Barcelona Quartets Biennial

L'Auditori de Barcelona

From 20/11/2024 to 24/11/2024

Chamber music. An opportunity to listen to some renowned string quartets from home and abroad.

The Cuarteto Casals, the Modigliani Quartet, the Apollon Musagète Quartet, the Takács Quartet and many other leading international outfits in this genre take centre stage at the Biennal de Quartets, which returns to L’Auditori for the third time, launching the chamber music season with a selection of first-rate performances.

This event is unmissable for lovers of the genre, who will have the opportunity to enjoy not only some of the classic works for quartets by Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms, but also new creations by composers such as Caroline Shaw, Judith Weir and Krzysztof Penderecki, plus the world premiere of Ramon Humet’s Vers l'infinit, performed by Quartet Gerhard.

Check out the programme.

L'Auditori de Barcelona

Carrer de Lepant, 150
el Fort Pienc


Occur on
L'Auditori de Barcelona

L’Auditori es convertirà en un punt de trobada de destacades formacions nacionals i internacionals.


Dimecres 20 de novembre a les 19 h: Quartet Gerhard i Quartet Modigliani

Dijous 21 de novembre a les 19 h: Cosmos Quartet i Apollon Musagète Quartet

Divendres 22 de novembre a les 18 h: Danish String Quartet

Divendres 22 i dissabte 23 de novembre a les 19 h: Petruixka de Stravinsky

Dissabte 23 de novembre a les 12 h: Esmé Quartet. Papa Haydn

Dissabte 23 de novembre a les 18 h: Quatuor Diotima i Jack Quartet

Diumenge 24 de novembre a les 12 h: Quartet Atenea. Papa Haydn

Diumenge 24 de novembre a les 19 h: Leonkoro Quartet i Takács Quartet