The park, under which passes a section of the Ronda del Litoral ring road, is named after a cascade, or waterfall, that descends from a pool towards its namesake avenue. An ensemble that can be see from the small, round, raised square at the side of the water.
This is the first of a series of parks that stretch almost to Sant Adrià del Besòs. Pedestrians can take the paths between the plants, crossed by the occasional street.

Parc de les Cascades is one of the five large green spaces, along with Parc del Port Olímpic, Parc de la Nova Icària, Parc del Poblenou and Parc de Carles I, that were built on Poblenou’s old industrial land at the start of the 1990s.
Barcelona reclaimed that land and dedicated some of it to creating new public green spaces, as part of the major facelift the city’s coastal facade received for the 1992 Olympic Games.

Art and Architecture
Standing in the middle of a sheet of water at the start of the park, just at the point where the Ronda del Litoral goes underground, there is a series of sculptures by Auke de Vries entitled El poder de la paraula (The Power of the Word). Holland’s gift to Barcelona for the Olympic Games, it is like a group of stalks rising up in a determined fashion.
Another sculpture that catches the visitor’s eye in the middle of the long avenue that is Parc de les Cascades is Antoni Llena’s David i Goliat (David and Goliath), a giant mask whose light supports make it seem it is flying and whose whiteness offers a powerful contrast to the blue of the sky.
- Phone number
- Tel.: 010
- Titularity
- Public center
- Address:
- Avinguda del Litoral, 12 - 14
- Districte:
- Ciutat Vella
- Neighborhood:
- la Barceloneta
- City:
- Barcelona