- Author/s
- Ignacio Echevarría
- Collection
- Art in the city
- Subcollection
La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
La Virreina Centro de la Imagen has dedicated more than four years to researching the various facets of Tres's work, his actions in the field of performance, his ready-made and his plastic or musical works.
In 2017, the exhibition entitled Blackout was held, which for the first time revisited his trajectory in an anthological way. Later, in 2019, the 11th Silent Cocktail took place, conceived by the author himself. And this book now brings together different unpublished essays on Tres by Ramón Andrés, Ángela Molina, Michal Libera and Katryn Evinson, as well as an extensive biographical and aesthetic narrative prepared by Ignacio Echevarría.
Contemporary Art
Technical Data
- Publication language: Spanish
- Year: 2021
- Pages: 256
- Cover: Hardcover
- Format: 16 x 24
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-353-2
- Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres
40.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
- Sales d’exposició i Tiquet Rambles (Palau de la Virreina)
- Xarxa de Llibres
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