El Museu de les Arts Decoratives de Barcelona 1932-2007. 75 anys

Josep Capsir i Maíz
Art in the city

This is a study of the Barcelona Museum of Decorative Arts' history, undertaken by its conservationist, Josep Capsir. It is organised into historical periods, each covering similar aspects and issues: the role of the building used at the time by the museum, the collections policy, the organisation and, above all, the design adopted to present the collections. It also shows the utopias the museum has pursued throughout its existence and offers a visual history that evokes the people who have made the museum what it is.


Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2008
  • Pages: 354
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Format: 16,5 x 22,7 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9850-101-8
  • Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres



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