Poble Espanyol

Avinguda de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 13

The streets and squares of Poble Espanyol form an open-air architectural museum, with 117 buildings that represent the diversity of the different communities in Spain. Created for the Barcelona International Exposition of 1929, Turisme de Barcelona says it is one of the most visited destinations in the city.

Travel across the Peninsula

Located on one of the sides of Montjuïc Park, not far from the Magic Fountain, is Poble Espanyol, an open-air architectural museum. It dates back to 1929, when architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch designed it as one of the attractions for the Barcelona International Exposition.

Designed to be a real town, with 117 buildings that represent the typical architectural features of different parts of the Iberian Peninsula, he reproduced true-scale versions of important streets, squares and buildings from across the peninsula. In this way, his design brings together typical constructions from the various regions of Spain, and visitors can stroll seamlessly from a Castilian square to an Andalusian street and enjoy the characteristic atmosphere of each place.

A project with a long life

Its harmonious, global features aim to represent what could be an ideal model town for the Iberian peninsula with all the diversity that entails. The project, which was supposed to run for six months, was such a huge success that in the end it stayed open and today attracts thousands of tourists and visitors every day who go there to discover one of the
most iconic destinations on Montjuïc.

It is one of the top 10 most visited tourist destinations and, in addition to the architecture, it offers typical food and handicrafts from each of the places represented.

Urban spaces

  • Sants-Montjuïc

    el Poble-sec
Avinguda de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 13
el Poble-sec


L'accés adaptat a discapacitats és per la porta principal.

Les visites organitzades cal concertar-les.

Arquitectes: Ramon Raventós, Miquel Utrillo, Xavier Nogués, J. Montaner, F. Folguera, F. García Sanchiz (any 1929).


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