Teatre Nacional de Catalunya

Plaça de les Arts, 1

Accés adaptat pel carrer Padilla.

Known as the TNC, the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya was created in the mid-1990s with the aim of providing a space for quality theatre in all fields. Located near Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, the building, designed by the architect Ricard Bofill, is also of significant architectural interest.

A theatre with roots

The origins of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya ;are linked to the theatre tradition of the country, which has always been highly rich and creative, as well as daring, and this continues today. In the 1980s, Catalan society sensed that it needed a place where actors and directors could work freely. The creation of the TNC is also closely associated with the outstanding actor Josep Maria Flotats who, after returning from France in the 1980s following the end of the Franco dictatorship, took on a prominent role in institutionalising Catalan theatre and he became the first director of the new Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.

Interdisciplinary stage

Since it was created in 1996, the TNC has experienced many phases with various proposals, but it has always been committed to maximum quality and providing an area to promote other disciplines, such as dance, opera and puppetry. Apart from enjoying one of the performances staged, it is also worth making a visit for the architectural value of its avant-garde building, designed by the architect Ricard Bofill.

Free time and leisure

  • Eixample

    el Fort Pienc
Plaça de les Arts, 1
el Fort Pienc
Sections of this equipment
Sala gran
Sala petita
Sala tallers

El Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC), ubicat a Barcelona, és una de les institucions culturals més importants de Catalunya. Inaugurat l´any 1996, va néixer amb l´objectiu bàsic de consolidar una oferta teatral d´alta qualitat tant en l´àmbit nacional com internacional que, des de la capacitat de risc estètic i la voluntat de servei pròpia del teatre públic, completés un panorama teatral caracteritzat per la creativitat i la riquesa de les iniciatives.

Des de la seva inauguració oficial, l´11 de setembre de 1997¿ el TNC ha programat espectacles de teatre, sense oblidar, però, altres disciplines com la dansa, la música, l´òpera, el circ o els titelles.

L´edifici del Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, situat a la plaça de les Arts, a prop de la plaça de les Glòries, compta amb tres sales d´exhibició. Dissenyat pel prestigiós arquitecte català Ricardo Bofill, és un dels edificis emblemàtics de Barcelona.


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