Los seis en Barcelona. Paseando bajo la lluvia por Sarrià - Sant Gervasi

Isabel de Villalonga (Text) and Antonio Isla (Illustrator)
Co-edition with

For first-time readers, this collection of eleven stories is aimed at awakening an interest in reading among children by opening up all the treasure hidden in the city. Barcelona is not only the setting; it is also the main character in a series of adventures that take place in its districts, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, street by street, that take on a magic dimension where fiction becomes reality and reality fiction.

Children's book
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Spanish
  • Also available in: Catalan
  • Year: 2017
  • Pages: 28
  • Cover: Staple binding
  • Format: 14, 8 x 21 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-025-8
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-947315-2-5



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