
ArtGran aims to reduce undesired feelings of loneliness among the elderly through an intervention in several of Barcelona’s museums and cultural centres.
Six Barcelona neighbourhoods with different social and economic realities have been selected for the project and each has been assigned a museum or cultural centre. Contact has been made, through several players and facilities in each neighbourhood, with individuals over the age of seventy suffering from unwanted feelings of loneliness but capable of taking part in the action and who will spend ten weeks visiting the corresponding museum to carry out activities designed to get them to chat to one another, empower themselves, acquire knowledge and enjoy themselves through art.
An assessment will be carried out afterwards through a quasi pre- and post-experience study with an intervention group and a comparison group from each neighbourhood. Three variables are to be studied through surveys and questionnaires: loneliness, perceptions of health and mental health. An analysis will also be performed of the mechanisms that art has enabled these individuals to experience changes through. In addition, the intervention itself and its methodology will be assessed to improve future results and implement it as a service for public-health officers, Primary Health Care Centres (CAPs) and social services.