Digital repository
Far Apart but close at heart: creative strategies to overcome digital poverty under the covid-19 pandemic in Latin America
Research presented at the academic congress “Digital rights: Cultural rights and digital change: making cultural rights effective in the digital society”.
Paul Heritage (People’s Palace Projects - QMUL).
Stefan Priebe (Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry - QMUL).Catherine Fung (Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry - QMUL). Mariana Steffen (People’s Palace Projects - QMUL).
Aline Navegantes (People’s Palace Projects - QMUL).
Karina Ruiz (People’s Palace Projects - QMUL).
Research that aims to explore how five artistic organisations used online platforms to provide support for the mental health of young people during a global pandemic, and how the young people and art workers experienced that change.
Community culture
Digital environments