
Error message

  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: node in ciutat_cuidadora_theme_preprocess_page() (line 12 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/themes/custom/ciutat_cuidadora_theme/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in ciutat_cuidadora_theme_preprocess_page() (line 12 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/themes/custom/ciutat_cuidadora_theme/template.php).
27/11/2020 - 18:35 h

Suicide prevention freephone number: 900 925 555

Health. Suicide is the main cause of death among men between the ages of 15 and 44 in the city and the second cause of death among women.

17/11/2020 - 17:22 h

Mutual support tools to tackle male violence towards women in digital spheres

25N. Some 15% of women in Barcelona have suffered cyberharassment online, by email or by mobile.

13/11/2020 - 11:37 h

World Diabetes Day: how does the pandemic affect the collective?

DIABETES. The Diabetic Association of Catalonia has carried out a survey that concludes that 78% of people with diabetes consider that their condition is the same or better now than before the pandemic.

05/11/2020 - 14:06 h

ECOM organizes the cycle of webinars "Ciudad Viva"

DEBATES. ECOM, a movement promoted by people with physical disabilities, organizes a series of webinars under the title "Ciudad Viva" with the aim of debating and reflecting on different concepts around the city.

05/11/2020 - 11:02 h

Qualification for the auxiliary personnel of attention to people in situation of dependency

PROCEDURE. Until December 12, 2020, you can process the request for authorization for auxiliary personnel who care for people in a situation of dependency.

03/11/2020 - 12:55 h

The Household and Care Workers Union is born

UNION. The Home and Care Workers' Union, SINTRAHOCU, was established last October. It is the first organization of its kind articulated at the state level.

29/10/2020 - 11:21 h

As of 2 November, Women's Information and Assistance Points will have a new telephone number

Change of phone number for the Women's Information and Assistance Points

28/10/2020 - 12:00 h

Toolkit for the development of community-based care initiatives

CARE. The research group, from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), has published a kit for the development of community care initiatives.

SAD, Servei d'Atenció a Domicili, superilles de les cures, Barcelona, gent gran, dependència
22/10/2020 - 17:32 h

Care superblocks recognised for their comprehensive assistance

Social Services. The organisation recognises the value of this innovative and local care model for elderly and dependent people.

Founding group of the association More than Cares (July 2018)
22/10/2020 - 13:11 h

"We fight for dignified, respectful, recognized and central care"

MÉS QUE CURES. The Més que cures association is the winner of the latest edition of Camino de la Solidez, a Barcelona Activa program that wants to accompany and strengthen Social and Solidarity Economy organizations.