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  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
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Barcelona Care Centre is a leading city facility that aims to act as a link between services, programmes and resources relating to care work. It works in coordination with all the stakeholders in the territory and addresses the diversity of groups that provide and receive care in Barcelona.

The information point aims to offer a comprehensive first response geared towards the available resources and services in this field and to help people by gathering all the information they need in one place.

It will offer information and guidance about where to find services and resources in the following areas:

  • Care for dependent or ill persons and practical support.
  • Professionalising employment and training.
  • Legal and judicial matters.
  • Emotional support and activities for carers.

On this website, you will find the search engine for care and support services and resources.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, or if you need more information, send us your query.

You can also telephone us on 93 413 21 21, from Monday to Friday from 8.15 am to 8 pm, and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.

Or you can come directly to the Barcelona Care Centre, on Viladomat street, 127, from Monday to Friday from 8.15 am to 8 pm, and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm..


Legal advice

This is a service offering specialised legal support on legal aspects relating to the world of care, particularly aimed at people who care for relatives or friends and domestic and care workers. The main care-related areas on which legal advice is provided are:


LEGAL ADVICE for people who care for relatives or friends

A service providing information, advice and awareness-raising that aims to cater for families that:

  • Need to hire someone to carry out domestic or care work for people who are living in their homes, and wish to ensure they have decent working conditions.
  • Families who already have such a person but don't know if they are doing what they should. Or professionals who are already serving a family that is in one of these situations and who may need guidance.

The service offers:

  • Support for the family's care needs and help to transform those needs into a job profile so that they can start looking for a suitable person.
  • Information regarding the various possibilities for hiring a person as a domestic worker, social economy initiatives, ordinary companies, etc.
  • Clearing up any doubts, breaking habits or addressing any rumours or incorrect information that may pose an obstacle to decent working conditions.
  • Information about recruitment conditions, fair wages, working days, rest periods, holidays, leave.
  • Advice and support on doing the paperwork for hiring someone: formalising the contract and the relevant social security registration documents.
  • Advice and support for queries about monitoring the work, producing payslips, arranging holidays and leave, administration of sick leave and changing conditions.
  • Advice and support for queries about concluding the work, procedures for ending contracts, notification documents, calculating settlements and compensation.


LEGAL ADVICE for care and domestic workers

A service providing information, advice and awareness-raising that aims to respond to residential workers and those who work and live in the city concerning any employment insecurity and vulnerability that they may suffer.

Its aim is to approach potential users of the service in their most immediate every-day surroundings: employment organisations, community and social projects and facilities.

The service offers:

  • Personalised information and advice aimed at resolving queries about the employment situation of a specific person.  For example:
    • Regularisation of domestic work
    • Contractual conditions
    • Salary conditions
    • The right to rest and holidays
    • Bullying
    • Social-security rights during a sick-leave situation
    • Ending a contract
    • Situations of dismissal
    • Employment rights in general, etc.
  • Open group sessions providing information and awareness-raising about employment rights. Sessions are organised periodically.
  • Group sessions on demand for organisations and groups:
    • Awareness-raising, training and advice for service users on more specific subjects (e.g. work-life balance, how to regularise an employment contract, how to understand a payslip or find out about rights concerning working days, holidays and rest periods).
    • Awareness-raising, training and advice for specific work groups (e.g. what the specific rights are concerning the internal regulations of domestic work, etc.).
    • Training technical teams from one or a number of organisations (training for trainers).


Training, exchange and networking

With the aim of keeping the available information current, the centre's team of professionals will continually update the search engine by means of networking and ongoing relations with the territory's stakeholders and organisations.

The centre is also intended to be a space for training and exchange where the know-how and expertise of the city's care workers is acknowledged, a place where their contributions are recognised, and where relations and the creation of a network among the various stakeholders and groups can be fomented by means of working groups and spaces for exchange, meetings, training workshops and informative and awareness-raising actions concerning care work. Consult the activities calendar.

It also aims to encourage meetings and to help create connections between people and organisations that work in care in the city, enabling new knowledge about care to be generated and promoting the proposal of initiatives designed to improve existing resources and the everyday lives of carers.

If you would like to collaborate or tell us about your association or organisation’s initiatives, then call us or email us at barcelona.cuida@bcn.cat