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  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
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La Bonne launches the 2020 Young Creators Award with the theme "Our houses, our care"

29/09/2020 - 10:10 h

YOUNG CREATORS. La Bonne opens a new call for the Young Creators Award in the audiovisual field. This year the theme revolves around the importance of care and homes.

The Francesca Bonnemaison Women’s Culture Center, in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council’s Department for Feminisms and the ICUB, opens a new call for the Young Creators Award with the intention of encouraging audiovisual production and creation among young women in the city . This year the theme revolves around the importance of care and homes.

Interested women can register for the call until October 30 through this link or consult in more detail the general bases and specific bases of the Prize. The organization indicates that in case of incident with the registration form, it can be contacted directly through the audiovisual(at) labonne.org.

In this edition, the Prize consists of an endowment of 5000 euros to carry out the proposal presented, as well as a technical residency at La Bonne to carry out the post-production. The winners will also participate in a mistress class with a director or audiovisual producer.

From La Bonne they explain that the chosen theme responds to the fact that our houses and, with them, care “have become more than ever a place of welcome, of retreat from the elements, of refuge, but also of conflict, imbalances and claims “. Among the topics planned include the precariousness of domestic workers, parenting, sexist violence or loneliness, among others.