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A new cycle of talks about welcome and care is born in Barcelona

08/10/2021 - 15:44 h

Each month will revolve around a central theme. On October 19 there will be a talk about parenting at the Sagrada Familia Market (entrance on Calle Provenza) from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. There will be charge-free space for kids.

“La Plaza: come, find out and learn about welcome and care!” its is a cycle of talks where you can get to know first-hand organizations, projects and equipments to speak about care, upbringing, reception for migrant people, care for the environment and other related topics.

Once a month it will be held in different spaces in the city of Barcelona and will feature informational stands, talks and activities. Each month will revolve around a central theme. On October 19 there will be a talk about parenting at the Sagrada Familia Market (entrance on Calle Provenza) from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. There will be charge-free space for kids.

The October edition will consist of informative talks from the Barcelona Cuida space with the collaboration of Intered.org and the PIAD and information on parenting resources with the association ‘Més que Cures’, experts in the healing and well-being of people and the community, and the mobile app ‘Teixim Cures Network‘, which works to support the neighborhood networks of care and mutual support of the city.

Attendees will also be able to enjoy children’s workshops and the training workshop ‘Fronteras Invisibles’, a board game organized by the ‘Diomcoop’ and ‘Fronteras Invisibles’ entities to reflect on the violations of rights suffered by migrants and the difficulties of the migration process . The activity aims to show the reality that a migrant faces when he arrives in Spain, and to talk about the racism he suffers.

In addition, there will be informational stands of organizations and groups in the neighborhood such as the Neighborhood Parenting Group, the Evangelical Church ‘Rober Solidari’, ‘Reagrupament Familiar’, PIAD and ‘Europa Sense Fronteras’. This activity is free and is aimed at all citizens. To attend, you must formalize the registration through this link.