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  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
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Social housing for the elderly is to increase by 33% by January 2024

06/09/2022 - 11:49 h

Protected housing. The average monthly rental price is around 444 euros.

Barcelona is to have a total of 1,908 protected dwellings for elderly people by January 2024. This represents a 33% on the 1,433 dwellings currently available.


The increase will be achieved once the six new housing projects currently at several stages of construction and comprising a total of 475 new flats come into service.

More specifically, the projects are as follows:

  • Carrer de Viladomat, 142 (Germanetes): 47 flats.  Expected date of delivery: April 2023
  • Carrer de Puigcerdà, 100. 48 flats. Expected date of delivery: January 2023.
  • Passeig de Torras i Bages, 143 (Casernes): 152 flats. Expected date of delivery: September 2023
  • Carretera de Ribes, 51-65. 85 flats. Expected date of delivery: July 2023
  • Carrer de Veneçuela, 96-106. 60 flats. Expected date of delivery: February 2024.
  • Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 11. 83 flats. Expected date of delivery: October 2024

Owned by the Municipal Institute of Housing (IMHAB), the new dwellings under construction and already in service are protected rental properties, reserved for individuals over the age of 65 having difficulties accessing housing.

The average monthly rental price for each dwelling is around 444 euros and one of the requirements for their access is having an annual income equal to or under 2.5 times the Public Income Indicator with Multiple Effects (IPREM). Which is why the Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS) is subsidizing 62% of the cost of all the projects.

As for user profiles, users have an average age of 81.2, 72% are women and in 81% of cases live alone.

Adapted and accessible facilities

The dwellings are designed for people of advanced age, so they are fully adapted and accessible.

Their users have services at their disposal to help them to maintain their personal independence, improve their living conditions and keep them at bay, for as long as possible, from having to go into an old people’s home. They also have a tele-assistance service, baths equipped for easy access and preventing falls, plugs located at a convenient heigh and multi-purpose rooms for carrying out community activities, in addition to concierge services, geriatrics and cleaning professionals and an internal alarm service in the event of any incident occurring, among other things.