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Barcelona Care Center supports the right to die with dignity

16/02/2022 - 14:14 h

Barcelona Care Center is a meeting place for key agents in the territory linked to the care sector. One of these is the Right to Die with Dignity Organization.

The right to die with dignity refers to the guarantee that people have of exercising their autonomy at the end of life. Barcelona Care Center works to improve the quality of life of people and their environment, as well as to offer resources to live the final part of life well and die in a dignified and accompanied way. We talked to Teresa Gol, a volunteer from the organization that provides weekly customer service in the area.

What services does the DMD Association offer in the Barcelona Care space?

From our organization we offer every Tuesday from 10 to 12.30 a space of attention to the citizenship in Barcelona Care to inform with respect to the rights at the end of the life, to help to make the Document of Advance Wills (Vital Testament) and to advise on how to intervene in situations where our rights are not respected.

What do we mean by the right to die with dignity?

A dignified death is one that will have a person who can make decisions about how he wants his end to be. Just as we make decisions to build our lives, it is important to decide that our end is in line with what we consider a good death.

Why is it important to facilitate a dignified death?

It is crucial because death is the end of our lives and just as a bad end can ruin an entire movie, an unworthy death can ruin a dignified life.

What does it take to have a dignified death and how is this right worked and implemented in Catalonia?

It is necessary that the wishes of the person are respected and that there are the resources to make it possible, that is to say, a personalized attention, palliative care to control the symptoms that produce physical or mental suffering, to guarantee the benefit of helps to die if the person wants euthanasia, etc.

In Catalonia, there is the right to make the Document of Advance Wills and palliative care both at the person’s home (PADES) and in hospitals and health centers.