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ECOM organizes the cycle of webinars "Ciudad Viva"

05/11/2020 - 14:06 h

DEBATES. ECOM, a movement promoted by people with physical disabilities, organizes a series of webinars under the title "Ciudad Viva" with the aim of debating and reflecting on different concepts around the city.

ECOM is a movement promoted by people with physical disabilities who work to achieve an inclusive society where we can exercise our rights. Starting on November 5, they organize a cycle of webinars under the title “Living City” with the aim of debating and reflecting on different concepts around the city and learning about the different tools and spaces available to citizens to influence urban regeneration policies in Barcelona.

ECOM assures that the objective of the project is “to advance towards more socially just, sustainable and egalitarian cities”. It is in this context that the holding of three debates linked to three thematic axes related to the Barcelona Neighborhood Plan and the Barcelona City Council’s “Everyday Life Urban Planning Manual” is framed.

  • November 5: “Playable and educating city”, about the city under the gaze of children and youth, education in the values ​​of diversity and the promotion of autonomy through the urban environment.
  • November 10: “Caring City” on making visible and value care in the urban environment and in the same processes of urban transformation in a transversal way.
  • November 12: “Livable City” on decent, accessible and affordable housing as a pillar of life in the community, equal opportunities and gender equity.

All debates will take place from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., will have live subtitles, and will have a first part where the panelists will participate sharing their experiences, and a second more participatory part where the attendees will be able to send their questions and share their experiences around those themes.

The “Living City” project will also include three training sessions with the aim of publicizing the different tools and spaces available to citizens and entities to promote urban regeneration initiatives and policies in Barcelona.

  • November 16: what spaces for citizen participation are in Barcelona and how they work
  • November 19: what are and how do the Citizen Agreement for an inclusive Barcelona and the Accessibility and Independent Living Network work?
  • November 23: what are the spaces for the defense of rights that exist in Barcelona and how they work.

The three training sessions will also be from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm and will have an open workshop format where participants will be able to answer their questions and acquire the basic tools to interact with the public administration.

Registration for both workshops and debates is free and compulsory through a form. The “Living City” project has the support of the Barcelona City Council and the allocation of personal income tax from the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya.