
Error message

  • Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_guide/img/mark.png) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/apps/app0406/www/:/var/www/apps/app0406/src/:/var/www/apps/app0406/session/:/var/www/apps/app0406/tmp/:/var/www/apps/app0406/data/:/var/www/apps/app0406/env/) in bcn_guide_get_custom_marker() (line 914 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_guide/bcn_guide.utils.inc).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_guide/templates/detail/bcn_guide_item_related.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in include() (line 9 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/modules/custom/bcn_social/templates/bcn-social.tpl.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: node in ciutat_cuidadora_theme_preprocess_page() (line 12 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/themes/custom/ciutat_cuidadora_theme/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in ciutat_cuidadora_theme_preprocess_page() (line 12 of /var/www/apps/app0406/www/ciutatcuidadora/sites/all/themes/custom/ciutat_cuidadora_theme/template.php).

Translator of google :

Electronica and percussion - Colombia and Catalonia   

Space reserved for people with reduced mobility

Meli Perea present a concert full of energy, dance and party spirit, at the same time always highlighting the importance of respect, both for oneself and for the environment, empathy and a positive attitude towards life. The band is made up of Juan Charry on guitar, Edu Dorca on bass and upbeat, Arnau Bonet on sax and drums, Gisela Alegret on trumpet, llamador and vocals, and Meli Perea on lead vocals with Sergi Batiste on DJ set. The fusion of electronic music and traditional Colombian percussion instruments ( alegre, tambora and llamador) adds energetic tribal connotations, while guitar, bass and wind bring a more organic, festive touch to the live performance, all coming together to create something daringly original.

Colombian singer Meli Perea who was born in Bogotá and now lives in Catalonia, is now presenting her first solo album, Prisma (Guspira Records), in a show packed with energy, dance and party spirit, at the same time always highlighting the importance of respect both for oneself and for the environment, empathy and a positive attitude towards life. Live on stage will be Juan Charry on guitar, Edu Dorca on bass and percussion, Arnau Bonet on sax and drums, Gisela Alegret on trumpet and Sergi Batiste on DJ set.


Can Fabra

Plaça de Can Fabra, 1
Sant Andreu
Sant Andreu