‘The Genesis’

Teatre Coliseum

From 16/07/2024 to 24/07/2024

Circus and dance. Copenhagen Collective presents a show that looks at how we relate to each other and how we are intrinsically dependent on one other.


Twenty individuals from different nations and cultures move through an abstract emotional landscape. The acceptance of the need for the other induces euphoria as we discover and experience the fact that as humans, there is little that a person can do alone.

We live in a time that is apparently full of conflict and division. Us against them, person against person, peoples against peoples, cultures against cultures. Human life is like a game where one person’s victory is necessarily another person's defeat.

Copenhagen Collective believes there is another way. A way wherein our capacity to love and care is stronger than our animosity, our capacity for understanding and compassion is stronger than our divisions and our differences are celebrated and become our strengths.

Artistic Team

Director and choreographer: Patrick King and Johan King Silverhult; Artists: Alfred Hall Kriegbaum, Ange Gabriel Olsen Viaud, Anna Sofie Fornitz Vording, Bechara Hage Meany, Bernardo Añorga Vargas, Daniel Luengo, David Ullrich, Eloisa Pereira Trinidad, Gonzalo Irisarri Martinez, Gregorian Hawke (Stand-in), Joachim Ante, Marilou Verschelden Nathan Briscoe, Nicolás Esteban Mancisidor Gonzalez, Rachel Orya Locks, Raphaela Abreu Olivo de Almeida, Ronan Luke Jenkinson, Samuel Fraser Patrick Barnes, Saila Salminen, Shona Marie Morgan, Sónia Christina Silvestre Matos.

Length: 60 minutes.

Teatre Coliseum

G.V. Corts Catalanes, 595
la Dreta de l'Eixample

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Durada: 60 minuts

Occur on
Teatre Coliseum
Tickets sold at
Teatre Coliseum

20 individus de diferents nacions i cultures es mouen per un paisatge emocional abstracte. L'acceptació de la necessitat de l'altre aporta eufòria a mesura que descobrim i experimentem el fet que com a humans, hi ha poc que una persona pot fer sola.

Aquest nou col·lectiu acrobàtic de Copenhaguen presenta la seva primera producció: The Genesis. Un espectacle que parla de com ens relacionem entre nosaltres i de com depenem intrínsecament els uns dels altres.

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