• This mobile app will give you easy, integrated access to several of the services Barcelona City Council offers you.

  • Access an extensive range of services such as: more relevant news on Barcelona, checking out the city’s events and facilities, municipal apps catalogue and carrying out procedures.

  • Notifications, basic what’s-on data (date, user’s location) and the location’s weather. When you first start using the app, its system will show generic elements.


  • Weather information based on the user’s location. Shows the weather forecast and details for that day and following day. Clicking on the climate icon gives you access to more detailed information.


  • You’ll be able to save all services and content of most use to you in your Pocket for faster access.


  • Users will be able to set other criteria for personalising the app. You can adjust the following elements: Language and Preferences. \n The app will enable users to change their preference settings for presenting points of interest. So parameters can be established for preference settings regarding the points of interest that are shown on the map or the map’s range.


  • List of apps of interest for Barcelona City Council, considered of interest for the City Council.

  • Information on points of interest for any user of the app that are close to their location, organised into categories. A user may access the details of a point of interest from the category selection or the results of a previous search. Once the user has made a category selection, the system will display points of interest on a browsable map centred on their location, depending on the category selected. The search radius and number of elements to be displayed on the map will be given with the parameters that the user can set on the user-preferences screen.


  • What’s on in the city, as listed in guia.barcelona.cat. What’s on is divided into subject areas (Music, Night Life, Kids, Festivities, Sports, Fairs, Exhibitions etc.) Clicking on the menu icon gives you access to information with what’s-on highlights.

  • Features the most usual procedures you can easily carry out from your mobile. The “You can consult the Virtual Procedures Office for other procedures” section lets you access the virtual office where you’ll find the rest of Barcelona City Council’s procedures at your disposal.