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A Grec full of great names from the Catalan scene

20/06/2024 - 08:00 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Established or emerging, actors and actresses and directors of the Catalan stage make up an outstanding part of the programme of the Grec 2024



Grec Festival de Barcelona is a good opportunity to see great international shows in the city, but it’s also a great showcase for local creativity and talent. You can have a taste of what’s coming, served up by artists you know and others you will soon meet, in this year’s programme.

Here you will find a number of talents, among them David Selvas and Sergi Pompermayer, who have adapted a classic by Molières, The Misanthrope (2 and 3 July at the Teatre Grec), to the modern world with the help of Pablo Macho Otero and La Brutal company. Another well-known circus and theatre artist, the clown Alba Sarraute and Les Ofèlies, also takes a classic, in this case Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and rewrites it in a feminine and comedy key. It is La Innombrable, which you will see at the Mercat de les Flors on 3 and 4 July. Also, if you like circus, don’t miss the performance of Manuel Rosés and his show Ákri at the Fundació Joan Miró (12 and 13 July).

Without adaptations and in the form of a recital of poetry and music, greats of the national scene, but also outstanding names of the Catalan scene such as Lluís Homar and Xavier Albertí have a lot to do with a show dedicated to classical romantic poems (with a stop at the work of Àngel Guimerà). The show is entitled Canciones de amor, de desamor y de piratas and you can see it at the Teatre Grec on 15 and 16 July.


Great classics of the Catalan music scene, Dagoll Dagom (pictured, in a performance of L’alegria que passa) are celebrating both the fiftieth anniversary of their arrival on stage and their upcoming retirement. They do so by revisiting the best and best of their productions and the songs that made them famous. It’s La gran nit de Dagoll Dagom. 50 anys d’emocions, 50 anys de cançons (Teatre Grec, from 11 to 13 July).

This year, in addition to once again seeing Sílvia Munt directing (Les mans, at La Villarroel; from 14 July to 4 August), we will once again see on stage a text by Lluïsa Cunillé, directed by the aforementioned Xavier Albertí. It is L’últim dia, a chronicle of a young man’s last day, which takes to the stage of the Sala Àtrium from 10 to 28 July.

Among the new creations by Catalan authors at the Grec 2024 is Angélica Liddell, who brings DÄMON, Bergman’s funeral to the Teatre Lliure from 19 to 21 July (tickets sold out). And at the Teatre Romea, Màrius Serra’s revision of Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, in a version directed by Joan Arqué from 25 June to 4 August.

Dance, music and new dramaturgies

A new performance by Wajdi Mouawad by Oriol Broggi and La Perla 29, Tots Ocells, comes to the Teatre de la Biblioteca from 25 June to 28 July. And as for new creations, don’t miss Malamort, by Daniela Feixas (Sala Beckett, from 26 June to 28 July) and Sis hectàrees d’oliveres, a new creation by Aina Tur that won the Quim Masó prize for theatre production projects in the last edition, which can be seen at the Hearthbreak Hotel from 2 to 28 July.

If you’re looking for other new Catalan talents, don’t miss the musical Artemis, created by the young Mireia Morera (at the Teatre Borràs, from 10 to 24 July), or Em dic Josep, created by Marc de la Varga at the Sala Flyhard (from 10 July to 3 August). At the Centre de les Arts Lliures of the Fundació Brossa, you will also find the latest creations by Guillem Albà (Tota aquesta por que ara tinc; from 18 to 28 July) and Cris Blanco (Pequeño cúmulo de abismos; from 4 to 7 July). Remember that José y sus Hermanas show you their fears at Morir lo hace todo el mundo (Teatre Lliure Gràcia; from 26th June to 7th July). And, finally, if you like theatre that follows different and surprising rules, El Conde de Torrefiel awaits you in a production, La luz de un lago, which seeks to tell us stories from sounds.

Dance performances such as the one Sol Picó brings free of charge to the Plaça de Margarida XIrgu (El combat del segle, in the foyer of the Institut del Teatre; registration is required; 28 and 29 June; there are other proposals) and a new, expanded version of Sonoma, by La Veronal, are among the shows by Catalan talents that we will see at this year’s Grec.

There is also music, of course. Sílvia Pérez Cruz tops the bill (tickets for the concerts at the Grec are sold out), but also Pau Vallvé, who has sold out all the venues for his concert on 8 July; Rita Payés, who presents her album De camino al camino, is playing at the Teatre Grec (17 July), as are Antònia Font (18 and 19 July), who are debuting at the venue, and CLARAGUIILAR, who will be performing with Kae Tempest at Paral-lel 62 on 5 July. Belén Barenys and Berta Prieto, finally, talk about the history of Ròmul i Rem with music in Ròmul i Rem. El Musical (L’Auditori; 6th and 7th July)

If you’d like to find more talent from the Catalan stage, dance, circus or music, check out the complete programme of the Grec 2024 Festival de Barcelona.