Females & Libraries
04/03/2024 - 08:00 h
Art, history, revolution, health… Women take centre stage in the most diverse disciplines during the month of March in Barcelona's libraries.
As you already know, March 8th is International Women’s Day, which vindicates the struggle of women for their participation in society as a whole and for their development as people. But the celebration lasts throughout the month and, in places such as the libraries of Barcelona, reaches the most diverse themes, always with a woman’s name. Lectures, workshops, theatrical performances and even a review of the history of women’s art.
These days the Libraries of Barcelona are preparing thematic cycles of activities such as the one on Art and gender, which, between 4 and 12 March, takes place at the Biblioteca de Nou Barris, the Biblioteca del Clot- Josep Benet and the Biblioteca Vila de Gràcia will be holding monographic lectures (4, 11 and 12 March) that will look at the creations of great artists such as Frida Kahlo, the designer Sonia Delaunay and the art deco artist Tamara de Lempicka.
But perhaps you would prefer to take a look at the past. In this case, we recommend to listen to what Carme Mestres, a professor of Geography and History, will explain to you on 4, 11 and 20 March, at the Les Corts – Miquel Llongueras Library, the Francesca Bonnemaison Library and the Fort Pienc Library. She will review the history of women from the beginnings of humanity to classical times, women in medieval times and modern and contemporary women.
Music also has a reserved role on 8-M of the Libraries of Barcelona. On 7 March, at the Biblioteca del Guinardó – Mercè Rodoreda, Júlia Colom, which brings the best Mallorcan musical tradition to the centre. Wait for the 25th of March, at the Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte and you can enjoy the underground talent of Anaïs Vila.
But, of course, the most important role will be played by books. Libraries which will be hosting the presentation of Mariana Henríquez’s book Un lugar soleado para gente sombría, a collection of stories in which evil and horror are an asset to everyday reality. She herself talks about it in a conversation with the journalist Helena Hevia at the Jaume Fuster Library on 7 March.
The festival continues with book clubs related to the female universe, with proposals (in all cases registration is required) dedicated, for example, to autofiction in feminine (until 15 April, at the Francesca Bonnemaison Library); feminism and consent (from 7 March to 9 May, at the Poble-sec Library – Francesc Boix: or the works of two russian poets: Marina Tsvetàieva and Anna Akhmàtova (from 13th March to 15th May, at the Biblioteca Trinitat Vella – J. Barbero, conducted by the poet and playwright Juana Dolores).
Proposals are diverse, with even technological workshops, such as the workshops that, in different centres all over the city, teach how to use technological tools to create posters for the 8-M demonstrations or the one that makes the trajectory of a group of particularly inspiring women scientists known to girls and boys.
Don’t go away yet because, beyond the cycles and lectures related to the female universe, the Libraries host a whole range of different activities that go beyond the programme. Do you want an example? At the Gabriel García Márquez Library, a very special book will be presented on 5 March. It is Exiles and Distances. Relatos de mujeres colombianas, a book written and illustrated by thirteen women from this country who now live in various European countries, which is the result of a process of one and a half years of psychosocial and writing workshops.
Family activities to introduce children to feminism, such as the activity Libel-lulina, at the Ramon d’Alòs Moner Library in Sant Martí on Sunday 6 March, and workshops on nutrition for women who have gone through menopause; the vindication of the memory of the invisible artist Anna Maria Martinez Sagi by means of a dramatised reading on 11 March at the Biblioteca Vila de Gràcia; and the presentation of the poetry book Flamarades sortiran: poesia catalana feminista (14 March, at the Francesca Bonnemaison Library) are part of the proposals of the Libraries of Barcelona to celebrate 8-M, as is the storytelling session designed to break down myths and prejudices by Gisela Llimona at the Vapor Vell Library in Sants (21 March).
If you want to celebrate International Women’s Day in Barcelona’s libraries, you have many opportunities this month. Check the website for more information.