
Adrià Targa i Ramos wins the Jocs Florals de Barcelona award for 2024

17/05/2024 - 10:33 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

His ‘Acròpolis’ book of poems was chosen as the winning work among 93 candidacies.

Adrià Targa i Ramos (Tarragona, 1987) holds a degree in Classical Philology from the University of Barcelona. He has mainly published poetry books, earning him various awards, including the Sant Cugat Poetry Award in memory of Gabirel Ferrater for Boques en calma (Edicions 62, 2010) and the Vicent Andrés Estellés de Burjassot Award for his most recent book, Canviar de cel (Godall Edicions, 2021).

Targa i Ramos is also the author of L’exili de Constança (Cossetània/La Gent del Llamp, 2008) and Ícar (Edicions Poncianes, 2015), which is available online in the digital magazine Stroligut. He has also done some poetry translations, such as Alcestis de Barcelona (Fundació Bernat Metge, 2023, edition not for sale), and has collaborated with articles for digital media such as La Lectora. He currently lives in the Raval neighbourhood and works as a replacement teacher at the Institut Montjuïc, in the Zona Franca area in Barcelona.

The author’s work was chosen from 93 candidacies presented to the panel for this year’s award: Begonya Mezquita Ramírez (chair), Maria Callís Cabrera, Melcion Mateu Adrover and Jordi Vintró Rigall (members) and Àngels Moreno Gutiérrez (member and secretary).


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