



C/ Castella, 2

Elisava. Barcelona School of Design and Engineering

In a city as densified as Barcelona, coming across an empty land site, above all without any defined use, appears to be nothing short of a provocation. An urban alien. Surrounded by constructions full of social meanings, an abandoned space raises certain questions, especially over how such an absence came about. As with most of the neighbourhood’s land sites, an obsolete industrial building used to stand here. As it awaits a new destiny and serves as a spontaneous local-resident square or extended school playground, this installation has the aim of bringing dignity to the dematerialisation the site has suffered over the years and splendour to the landscape of disoccupation. Umbra puts at its centre the community who, despite everything, are using this land site. A meeting formed of shadows and movement of each of the individuals whose presence gives a new value to physical emptiness. The installation explores the interaction of human bodies with the aim of generating a new intangible space in the middle of the supposed emptiness of the city’s landscape.

STUDENTS: Shayda Alsharif, Renata Bricio, Silvia Campanini, Ilayda Celep, Daan Daniels, Maria Font, Nayeli Mendez, Luisa Mextorf, Francesca Moroni, Lorna Mulero, Paola Sala,  Iakovina Syrianou, Hong - Kuan Wang, Alicia Llinares, Abdelrahman Zahraan, Anna Meldraja, Melanie León, Laia Miquel, Dimitris Vlachakis, Fotini Panos, Alfons Alcoverro, Agata Masramon and Bernat Rucabado


TUTORS: Toni  Montes Boada, Roger Paez, Mar  Gené,  Eloi Maduell [ playmodes ] and Santi Vilanova [ playmodes ]