Re-Generació / Re-Generation




C/ Pallars, 216

IAAC Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

The world is immersed in an energy crisis, and yet our dependence on fossil fuels prevails. Human activity is destabilising global ecosystems and destroying biodiversity at an alarming rate, and the actions being carried out are not enough to reverse the damage. We need to do much more to mitigate the negative impacts. The three elements of the Earth's biosphere (air, water and land) are now in a catastrophic state. The proposal from students on the Master in Advanced Architecture programme at the IAAC aim to shed light on this world-wide ecological crisis through the eyes of children, demonstrating that collective action is an exponential contribution which can compensate for the consumption of energy and generate zero waste. Designed as a series of scenarios, visitors are invited to enter each deterioration scenario and see how their movement directly affects the land. Pictures drawn by children will be projected onto the walls, in which the negative impacts are reversed, in the end transforming destruction into full life.

STUDENTS: James Alcock, Gizem Demirkiran, Zachary Eisenberg, Aswin Ganesan, Aleyna Gültekin, Enlin Guo, Rahma Hassan, Sabina Javanli, Tanvee Joshi, Vasuda Karnani, Akshay Madapura, Taimur Mian, Alessandra Weiss, Luca Wenzel and Brian Woodtli

TUTORS: Cristian Rizzuti and Pablo Ros

SPONSORS: Himoinsa, Másqueproyectores and Martí Canudas​