Re Connecting




Parc del Centre del Poblenou - MUHBA


What relationship do city residents have with nature? Are out naturalised spaces something more than a pretence of true contact with nature? To answer these questions with a critical eye, Re Connecting offers a conceptual installation with a twofold goal. First, to break the characteristic linearity of urban parks with an organic form and a reflective surface which multiplies nature to the point of creating a sense of being immersed in a tamed forest. This is a placid relationship that disappears on the other side, inside this construction. An atmosphere is created through green-LED lights and a smoke machine which aims to represent a wild natural habitat. Visitors are invited to pass through this beam of light and experience a sense of reconnecting with the environment far removed from any trace of civilised order. Even bodies themselves are absorbed (hidden) in this experience by this light and steeped in a mystery, even inside.

STUDENTS: Pauline Bartczak, Lara Atik, Veronica Tortato, Paul Lesieur, Vaiana Wassong, Irina Aynés, Elisabet Romo, Marta Vilaseca and Alistair Aguinaliu