OracLED - Hypnotic Radiation


OFF Llum


FX Animation – C/ Pujades, 112 – Second floor

BeatMe Lab

OracLED Hypnotic Radiation explores the time we devote to sleep as a parallel space to the present reality and to the unconscious ego of dreams. Dreams are seen as an alternative universe where reality and superimposed limits are confused through the exhibition of a system of representative symbols. This exploration is carried out in an installation that combines projections, laser and various types of lights, in synchrony with a hypnotic sound landscape that leads visitors to a state of dreaming and reflection. Space, matter, time, light, expansion, energy and life operate as triggers and catalysts of a dialectic of sound through which visitors discover themselves and undergo a dreamy exploration of their ego. It’s a visualisation of the myth that refers to the condition of dreams as an ethereal space that exists before and after an individual’s life, in parallel to the present reality.

BeatMe Lab is a cultural association set up in Barcelona in 2015 as a multidisciplinary creation platform centred on new media art, light design and the audiovisual world in all its communicative, artistic and metaphorical aspects. Their main goal is to explore the many possibilities that new technologies offer in the artistic field. From the beginning they have presented their artistic projects and interventions through video mapping, pixel mapping, LED lighting, laser technology and interactive installations at festivals and events such as Llum BCN (part of the Off Llum programme), WAC Lab Poblenou, the Convent de Sant Agustí, UWE Bristol, Isolator Space, Sala Apolo and Razzmatazz. Their interventions always seek to innovate and experiment with the latest available technologies in order to offer the public unique and memorable artistic experiences. They therefore work in close collaboration with other artists and creators from diverse disciplines to promote the exchange of ideas and enrich their artistic practice.