



Carrer de Tànger, 89

ESDAP, Campus Deià

ESDAP Catalunya - Campus Deià

Peaceful plots of land disrupted by the noise of drills, cranes, scaffolding and the birth of growing structures: everything forms part of a repeated cycle that leaves no trace of what could have been. Geocidi is the collective action of a single species among millions of other species that is altering our planet to the extreme, which means that it could become unrecognisable and unable to sustain life. Geocidi is a visual message of the metamorphosis Barcelona is currently undergoing.

Students: Mireia Ballesté, Núria Dalmau, Lidia Forcadellas, Julia López, Ivanna Piuma, Sara Rodríguez and Arnau Tolosa

Tutors: Amaya Martínez and Anna Solè

Collaborators: Juanra Valladares (Stage Technician