Eix vital a les Naus Bessones [Lifeline between twin warehouses]




Carrer dels Almogàvers, 145

BRAC, Faculty of Fine Arts University of Barcelona

Eix vital is an installation located on the walkway that links twin warehouses, opening up an itinerary to visualise our symbiotic relationship with architecture and to highlight how buildings can undergo metamorphosis depending on their hosts. It is a trip inside an organism with a life of its own, which models and transforms us, just like architecture.

Students: Project: Juan Carlos Almagro. Team: Cristina Bota, Javier Caamaño, Mireia Carrillo, Maria Gorgoll, Maria Jansà, Ignasi López, Marta Rossell and Gemma Solà

Tutors: Miquel Planas and Núria Gual

Collaborators: Custom Project

Sponsors: Nylma

Special mention: Securman, Don Ostra, Época