Show: Teatres de Campanya - Marc Salicrú

Music / theatre
  • 40m
  • sat 21: 6.00 pm to 6.40 pm · 8.00 pm to 8.40 pm
    sun 22: 6.00 pm to 6.40 pm · 8.00 pm to 8.40 pm
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TEATRES DE CAMPANYA_INTERFERÈNCIA 01: Breu inici d’aproximació a un dia més en el trajecte cap al precís moment de ser un dia menys. [A brief introduction to approaching a just another day along the way up to the precise point that it becomes just another day that’s part of the irrevocable past]. Trajecte a 147 bpm. [Journey to 147bpm].

Teatres de Campanya - Marc Salicrú

Music / theatre - Catalonia

Interferència 01 is the first part of Marc Salicrú’s “Teatres de Campanya” project. It involves the creation of an experimental and chaotic “city concert” on the coast of Barcelona. These are the sounds and melodies that reach us as they flow beneath our feet, creating a set of gears that crunch past, present and future from the bottom up, creating a space where people can once again see clearly as the scales fall from their eyes, and they can re-imagine the landscape of their everyday lives.

40 minutes during which space and time hang frozen, until everyone can go back to their normal lives if they want to. But this time will also serve as an opportunity to reflect on the fact that we need time for ourselves, and it’ll be what we cry out for until our very last breath.

“Teatres de Campanya” is an absurd, ironic, folkloric and festive whirlwind that is fleetingly thrust into the public space in the form of visual, sound and sensory stage interference, making the everyday a spectacle in the form of a representation of how to live in the world, using the city as a musical score, and briefly creating a pause for the audience to come together in celebration.

This first part of the “Teatres de Campanya” project is a MAC / Mercè 2024, FiraTàrrega, Festival Grec de Barcelona, Bonvehi Arts and Teatres de Campanya - Marc Salicrú co-production, with the support of Homs Rentals. What’s more it’s a show that forms part of the Cultural Regatta, the programme of cultural activities that complements the America's Cup event during Barcelona’s big annual festival.

Artistic team and collaborators: Marc Salicrú, Bonvehi Arts, Arnau Millà, Igone López, Miqui Puig i Raul Juan (LAVlab), Lolo & Sosaku, Frames Percussion, Neus Borrell, Núria Martínez Vernis, Miquel Àngel Marín, Dani Àlvarez, Fèlix Jurado, Pere Seda, Nico Jongen, Marc Cartanyà, Llorenç Corbella ('Passarell'), Óscar Montesinos, Taller Sarandaca, Oriol Tosquella i Pirotècnia Estalella, Anigami Muntatges, Iona Balcells, Arnau Boces, Sandra Pujol, Isaac Baró, Max Grosse Majench, Iván Nalvaiz, David Romero, Bandabòlit, Col·lectiu Free’t, Escola Municipal de Música Can Fargues, Grup Gimnasia Espigó Bogatell, Cor Connectats, Centre Municipal de Vela, Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Laura Vinyals, Eduard Autonell, Sergi Bautista, Júlia Collell and Marcel Riu, AraSo.

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    • Pg Marítim de Nova Icària, 60
    • Sant Martí
    • la Vila Olímpica del Poblenou
    • 08005 Barcelona

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