Fabra i Coats

C Sant Adrià, 20
Fabra i Coats
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    • C Sant Adrià, 20
    • Sant Andreu
    • Sant Andreu
    • 08030 Barcelona

    Schedule by range in this stage

    September 20th evening

    Electronic pop
    Concert "Valentina & The Electric Post"
    Recinte Fabra i Coats
    FRI 20 · 6.00 pm to 6.50 pm
    Concert "OKDW"
    Recinte Fabra i Coats
    FRI 20 · 7.20 pm to 8.10 pm
    Classical/ electronic music
    Concert "Electro Ma Non Troppo"
    Recinte Fabra i Coats
    FRI 20 · 8.45 pm to 9.40 pm

    September 20th night

    Classical/ electronic music
    Concert "Electro Ma Non Troppo"
    Recinte Fabra i Coats
    FRI 20 · 8.45 pm to 9.40 pm