Concert "Mausoleo"

  • Venue
    Plaça Reial
  • Address
    Pl Reial, 5
  • Day and time
    sat 21: 11.00 pm
    See all schedules


Postpunk – Valencia

The Valencian trio Mausoleo surprised everyone with their 2020 debut EP, Absolución. Since then, their riffs and amazing creative sensibility have seen their music expand to reach an ever wider audience. They have toured all over Spain and over the coming months have concerts scheduled further afield in countries like Mexico.

With their latest album, Refugio Transitorio, the group has gone in for more ambient, electronic sounds but still with their stories of love, self-criticism, guilt and impotence.

A trio who have used vulnerability and experimental pop to create their own sound and who will be performing live on stage in Plaça Reial, Barcelona during the BAM Festival 2024.

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  • Concert "Mausoleo": Pl Reial, 5
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  • Pl Reial, 5
  • Ciutat Vella
  • el Barri Gòtic
  • 08002 Barcelona

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