Concert "gavina.mp3"




Pop - Barcelona

This music project by the Barcelona poet Max Codinach Sendra combines his passion for poetry with contemporary electronic pop sounds. After exploring the literary sphere with various publications and a book ("Els angles del vent", 2022), and giving performances fusing poetry with experimental sounds, the artist now pursues a new project by the name of gavina.mp3.

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    • Pl Catalunya, 2
    • Eixample
    • la Dreta de l'Eixample
    • 08002 Barcelona

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    Other activities in the same stage and day

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    MON 23 · 9.00 pm to 9.30 pm
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    MON 23 · 10.30 pm to 11.30 pm
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    La Plaça de Catalunya
    MON 23 · 12.00 am to 1.00 am
    La Plaça de Catalunya
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