Less pollution and more safety for children in areas outside schools

The goal of the municipal programme “Protegim les escoles” is to reduce air pollution, noise and accident rates around entrances to city schools. The project will be rolled out at up to 200 schools between 2020 and 2023. Priority will be given to schools where air quality is poorest and those which are most vulnerable in terms of road safety.

16/09/2020 13:13 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Barcelona City Council’s “Protegim les escoles” programme is aimed at improving environmental quality and child safety and creating more pleasant areas for people at 200 schools between now and 2023. Work is mainly based on two types of measures, combined and adapted in each case:

  • Better road safety and less pollution through traffic calming: traffic space is reduced by the elimination of lanes and parking places, with maximum speeds cut to 20 km/h, lighting improved and other safety elements introduced. The area around the school entrance is a calmed space, with the ground painted orange and specific logo. Volunteers also help control traffic during the periods when children arrive at and leave school.
  • Better health and more pleasant surroundings: entrance and exit points to schools get an area at least 10 metres in diameter, with urban furniture inviting people to spend time there free of hassle and to engage in activities.

During the last school year, the Escola Grèvol and the Institut Viladomat were the first schools to get calmed areas as part of the “Protegim les escoles” programme. Work was carried out this summer at entrances and areas around nine more schools. Specifically:

  • Escola Sagrada Família – Sardenya, Escola Univers and Escola Bressol Municipal Petit Univers, in the district of Gràcia.
  • Escola Pia Balmes and Escola Poeta Foix, in the district of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi.
  • Escola Estel, Escola Doctor Ferran i Clua, Escola Alzina and Escola Bressol Municipal Manigua, in the district of Sant Andreu.

Work will begin around the following schools in October:

In the district of L’Eixample:

  • Escola 9 Graons
  • Escola Carlit
  • Escola Xirinacs
  • Escola Sagrat Cor – Ribes
  • Centre Educatiu Marillac
  • Centre Educatiu Escolàpies Llúria

In the district of Horta-Guinardó:

  • Escola Mas Casanovas
  • Escola de les Aigües
  • Institut Teresa Pàmies

In the district of Ciutat Vella:

  • Escola Pia Sant Antoni
  • Escola Rubén Darío

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