New changes in the regulation of home deliveries

The Government Commission has initially approved the amendment to the special usage plan to provide more flexibility for setting up industrial kitchens, parcel delivery and logistics agencies. The process continues with the period for challenges and amendments before going before the Full Council for approval.

05/04/2024 16:17 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The new usage plan was approved in January last year to regulate home deliveries of shopping and food, a growing market owing to the digitalisation of consumption habits and the pandemic.

The goal was to minimise the problems of smoke, smells and noise, and the impact generated by traffic and the accumulation of delivery riders and vehicles in the same sections of streets.

The amendments approved now establish that:

  • Grouped industrial kitchens and/or parcel delivery agencies can set up their operations in all industrial areas of the city, except for the 22@, with no conditions regarding densities or distances, providing the same parcel of land does not have any residential housing.
  • As for storage premises for foods and non-dangerous materials for home delivery, these can be set up in industrial areas, except for the 22@, and also on land parcels opposite residential areas.
  • At the same time, parcel delivery agencies with premises of more than 400 square metres will have to devote at least 20 square metres of that space to delivery purposes, needed for delivery riders and drivers.

The amendment to the urban plan continues with a period for challenges and amendments before the final debate and vote by the Full Council.


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