Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 28 June 2024

June’s full council meeting approved four proposals: one from Junts-Trias×BCN, calling for maximum transparency about major events in the city, one from BComú, to withdraw the new urgent temporary accommodation protocol, one from the PP, to promote the El Call neighbourhood for tourism purposes, and one from the ERC, with content for an institutional declaration, to increase the tourist tax. The proposal from Vox was rejected. Four institutional declarations were also read out.

28/06/2024 15:01 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The proposal from Junts per Catalunya – Trias per Barcelona called on the municipal government to provide maximum transparency and information about the negotiations, costs and benefits of major events which are to be held in the city or targeted by the city, before and after they take place. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it and the PSC abstained.

Barcelona en Comú demanded the withdrawal of the new urgent temporary accommodation protocol (ATU) and for work to be done with social services centres to improve support for people with emergency housing needs. The Full Council approved the proposal, with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, BComú and the ERC, while the PSC and Vox voted against it and the PP abstained.

The Partit Popular urged the municipal government to promote the El Call neighbourhood for tourism purposes, through a series of measures to highlight its cultural and historical importance. The proposal was approved unanimously.

The proposal from Vox called for a public register of repeat offenders detained multiple times operating in Barcelona, the goal being to disseminate posters with the faces of the main thieves in public space, at police stations and on the social media of police corps. The proposal was rejected, with Vox voting in favour, while Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú, the ERC and the PP all voted against it.

Proposal with content for an institutional declaration

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration, to increase the tax on overnight stays in tourist establishments to the maximum amount of 4 euros, and to urge the Government of Catalonia to increase the maximum amount. The proposal was approved, with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it.

Institutional declarations

Four institutional declarations were read out in June’s full council meeting:

  • To support initiatives to foster the principles of the European Green Deal to fight climate change. Signed by Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú, the ERC and the PP.
  • To mark the International Day of Deafblindness every year on 27 June, lighting up the façade of the City Hall and organising activities to raise awareness about deafblindness, in collaboration with specific organisations in this field. The declaration was backed by all municipal groups.
  • To promote more municipal technical and financial resources for developing sexual and gender diversity policies, guaranteeing the conditions for LGBTI+ policies to be prioritised and consolidated. Signed by Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC.
  • To condemn the tearing up of the photograph of Aurora Picornell by the president of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands and call for all institutions to comply with legislation relating to democratic memory. Signed by Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC.