Faced with male violence towards women, you’re not alone
The city has a broad network of specialised services to assist women and children who suffer some sort of male violence, with teams of professionals who listen, give support and provide tools and resources for people to tackle the issue with somebody to stand by them. In Barcelona, no woman is alone in the face of male violence.
As ever, Barcelona is marking 25N, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, reminding everybody that municipal services specialising in assistance, prevention and combatting male violence are there for them.
Forms of male violence are structural. They occur in private and public spaces alike, affect women of any age and occur in a wide range of environments, in families, couples, the workplace, nightlife venues and groups of friends. Whatever the circumstances, and whether experienced first-hand or witnessed, they need to be eradicated.
Tackling male violence is not straightforward. Fear, taboos, social pressure and financial circumstances can make it difficult to speak and denounce these types of violence. What can I do? Who can I turn to?
Public teams specialising in male violence are the best option for resolving these doubts, providing information about options and measures that can be adopted and activating emergency resources in serious cases.
Free and confidential services for tackling male violence
A structural problem requires a strong response from public administrations. In Barcelona we have teams specialised in assisting women and children who suffer male violence, operating in specific services, such as:
- The Care, Recovery and Shelter Service (SARA)
- The Women’s Information and Support Points (PIAD)
- The Victim Support Service (SAV) from the Barcelona City Police
- And the teams at the Hospital Clínic and the Hospital de la Vall d’Hebron
Here you can check the BCN Antimasclista website, with full information on the free and confidential services to combat gender violence.

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