New roadmap to create quality jobs for young people

The new Quality Youth Employment Plan (POQJ) 2024-2030 has been presented to promote and retain young talent and reduce unemployment and related social problems by creating quality jobs. The plan is based around eight challenges and ten strategic areas, involves an investment of 13.3 million euros in 2024 and an overall budget of 100 million euros through until 2030, the prevision being to help 30,000 young people every year.

18/07/2024 14:15 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Aimed at people between the ages of 16 and 29, the plan is based around eight challenges and ten strategic areas and comes within the context of the Barcelona Quality Employment Agreement (ABOQ).

The challenges are to:

  • Reduce drop-out rates in education and training.
  • Cut the number of young people currently involuntarily inactive.
  • Improve recognition and validation of qualifications gained abroad and recognition of occupational skills.
  • Optimise the balance between training and the labour market.
  • Reduce labour precariousness.
  • Define a comprehensive model for orientation, advice and support for professional vocations.
  • Establish efficient and effective communication channels.
  • Conduct implementation and impact assessments.

The strategy will be rolled out through two-yearly action plans. The first (2024-2025) includes 20 unique projects and a range of associated services for young people in the city.

Notable initiatives among these services include the Convent de Barcelona Activa as a new point of reference in the transition to the world of work; the rollout of the Barcelona Master Plan for Professional Training, which aims to offer initial training for ongoing employment in vocational training centres; the Youth Employability Service; Barcelona Treball Joves; the Projecte de Vida Professional and the STEM Programme to promote vocations and more.

As for the unique projects, notable initiatives include the rollout of the Vocational Training Business Office and the new Crea Feina subsidy programme with the goal of driving young talent and the competitiveness of companies. Work is also being done to strengthen the Young People’s Labour Rights Points, plus a new line of free language training specifically for young people, personalised training with a commitment to a work contract and the Joves amb Experiència project, which facilitates first work experiences based on Comprehensive Contract Plans, and the generational renewal of traditional trades through collaboration with professional guilds etc.

Work is being carried out in conjunction with the Catalan Employment Service (SOC) to pursue this strategy, and with the city’s main social and economic stakeholders. All the organisations on the Youth Employment Board were involved in developing the plan. The four main stakeholders to roll out the plan will be Barcelona Activa, the Department for Youth at the City Council, the Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB) and the Fundació BCNFP.


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