More subsidies for extra-curricular activities during the 2023-2024 school year

A total of 18,695 subsidies have been awarded for extra-curricular activities during the 2023-2024 school year. The subsidies help cover the cost of activities in the spheres of physical exercise and sport, as well as culture, arts, science and technology. The budget allocated is nearly 5 million euros, representing an increase of 15.3% compared to last year’s campaign.

13/11/2023 11:54 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Barcelona Institute for Sport (IBE) has awarded 17,642 subsidies for physical and sports activities outside of school hours for children aged between 6 and 17, achieving the goal of not leaving any family out of sports activity for financial reasons and giving 13.6% more awards than last year. Over 4.5 million euros will be used for this subsidy programme.

Sant Martí and Nou Barris are the districts where the subsidy campaign has the biggest impact, with 3,411 and 3,012 children and young people getting subsidies respectively. In the sphere of inclusive sport, subsidies were awarded to 787 children and young people with functional diversity, equating to 4.5% of the overall figure.

This year’s subsidy campaign has also been expanded to cover extra-curricular activities in the areas of culture, art, science and technology for children between the ages of 6 and 17 from low-income families, with 1,053 subsidies awarded and an overall budget of 263,000 euros.

The subsidies most commonly requested and awarded were linked to the visual arts, robotics and programming, plus activities in the world of theatre and the paratheatrical arts. These were followed, in this order, by extra-curricular activities in music, circus arts, science and technology, visual and audio-visual arts and dance and movement.


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