Tradition and popular culture return for Santa Eulàlia
The city will be holding the winter version of its local festival from 11 to 13 February, celebrating the festivities for Santa Eulàlia with a packed programme of popular culture, tradition, processions and dozens of outdoor activities.
The celebrations get under way on Friday, 11 February, with the traditional festive recital by the carillon in the Palau de la Generalitat. This will followed by the Protocols de l’Àliga (a traditional dance featuring the city’s eagle figure), and a new series of choral concerts this year by the Cors de Clavé.
The procession by the giant Laia and the banner-hanging ceremony open the programme for Santa Eulàlia on Saturday 12, on a day where we can also enjoy a children’s sardana dancing gathering, a standing display of the children’s festive figures belonging to giant groups and the traditional dance display by children’s and young people’s dance groups. The day rounds off with the Passejada de les Laies (all the giants are dubbed Laia for the occasion and go on a collective jaunt around the city), as well as the laying of flowers at the Baixada de Santa Eulàlia and the Dance of Santa Eulàlia.
Local people in Ciutat Vella will be waking up to music from gralla pipes on Sunday, while the acrobatic human formations of the Falcons de Barcelona offer a prelude to the Santa Eulàlia human towers meeting, with eight groups from the city taking part. There will also be a gathering by lacemakers (puntaires), another by drummers (tabalers) and a fire run by little devils and beast figures. A big firework display winds up the winter festival until next year.
Check out the full programme at
Giant Laies stand proud in the city
The traditional display of giant Laia figures can be visited at the Palau de la Virreina up until 12 February, focusing attention on Santa Eulàlia as one of the city’s patron saints and paying homage to all women in Barcelona. There is also an exhibition of mini-giants, children’s beast figures and bighead figures at El Born CCM from 5 to 12 February. This joint exhibition is inspired by the cohesive spirit which characterises roots culture and the groups that make it possible.