The exhibition “Miró-Picasso” brings together over 250 works by the two artists

The Museu Picasso and the Fundació Miró are offering a joint exhibition looking at the work and friendship of two transcendental artists: Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. Featuring over 250 works from private and public collections, the exhibition is open to the public from 10 October to 25 February.

18/10/2023 21:36 h

Mireia Alonso

Picasso represents the complete revamp of Western art through to the present day”. Joan Miró wrote these words in a letter to Pierre Matisse in 1946, a declaration demonstrating his admiration for the artist from Malaga. The admiration was mutual between two geniuses, who shaped contemporary art and forged a friendship of more than fifty years.

The exhibition “Miró-Picasso” forms part of Picasso Year and brings together an unprecedented series of works between the Museu Picasso and the Fundació Miró, which are also organising guided tours, workshops and accessible activities based around the exhibition.

Visitors can go to both museums with a combined ticket or see the exhibitions separately.

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