New website with all the voting results from full council meetings

A new tool is in place for people to check the stance adopted by municipal groups on all the proposals put forward at Barcelona’s full council meetings since July 2015.

10/06/2021 14:28 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The new website with agreements by the Full Council includes the results of all votes on proposals made in the decision-making or executive section of the meetings, mainly put forward by the municipal government parties, and also in the promotion and control sections of the meetings, generally put forward by opposition parties.

To make it easier to access the results, searches can be filtered by date, section of the meeting, keyword or subject. All the information can also be downloaded in open-data format, with the possibility of viewing the results with interactive infographics.

Broad consensus

The new tool enables users to see how a broad consensus has been reached on most issues presented before the Full Council by the municipal government over its two terms of office. Since July 2015, over 93% of proposals have been approved. While unanimous approval was much more common in the last term of office, occurring with 48% of the government proposals, the current term of office shows unanimous approval has been reached on just 20% of issues.

At the same time, the website also makes it easier to see which municipal groups have given the most support to each opposition party in the promotion and control sections: For example:

    • Proposals from the ERC have been supported by BComú in 100% of cases.
    • Cs have always had favourable votes from the PP and BCN Canvi.
    • Proposals from J×Cat have received the support of the ERC in 80% of cases.
    • The PP have received the support of BCN Canvi in all the proposals they have put forward.
    • Proposals from BCN Canvi have always had favourable votes from the PP and Cs.


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