Extraordinary Full Municipal Council Meeting on Spain’s Monarchy

The only point presented at the Extraordinary Full Municipal Council Meeting of 27 August 2020 to discuss Spain’s monarchy and the figure of the emeritus king, Juan Carlos I, was approved. This was a proposal with an institutional declaration presented by the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya and Junts per Catalunya political party groups.

27/08/2020 12:45 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The presented text demanded, among other things, that the City’s Gold Medal, and all other honorific titles and personal distinctions conferred on the emeritus king, Juan Carlos I should be taken away; declared Spain’s monarchy the successor to the Franco regime; condemned the Spanish government for its necessary collaboration in expediting the emeritus king’s departure from Spain; demanded the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo explain their actions; called on the Spanish government and Parliament to implement reforms regarding the matter; reaffirmed the right to Catalonia’s self-determination, and called on the European Commission to act in defence of the state of law.

You can consult the proposal with its institutional declaration on the monarchy here .

The proposal was approved with 15 votes in favour from the ERC and J×Cat political party groups, 14 votes against from the PSC, Cs and PP political party groups and abstentions from 10 councillors from the BComú political party group. No member of BCN Canvi attended the Full Council Meeting, in person or virtually, or voted.

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