Barcelona’s ICT priorities and Next Generation Funds

The idea behind the event was to foster the exchange of experiences and best practices between ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) decision-makers from the public and private sectors with strategic clarity and forward-looking vision when it comes to technology.
The session highlighted the importance of Next Generation Funds as an opportunity to help streamline and provide financial support for the digital transformation in Barcelona, moving towards the e-government model and guaranteeing the digital rights of citizens, as well as improving municipal services, while contributing to a better city and quality of life.
The talk also looked to the future, mentioning the upcoming calls for proposals in line with the strategy areas that most interest the IMI, such as a guaranteeing suitable connectivity, the roll-out of 5G technology, boosting digital skills among workers and cybersecurity, digitalising Barcelona City Council and driving data-centric government and the Pla Endreça.
Barcelona City Council is currently structuring its response around seven strategic areas that will make it possible to keep working towards a leading, resilient Barcelona, with a sustainable future. The IMI has been taking part in the Digital Transformation and Modernisation project by implementing five strategic lines of action, including 13 current projects that focus on the following themes:
- Strengthening cyberdefence infrastructure to protect both internal services and direct services for members of the public.
- Ensuring that public services are as accessible as possible for city residents and companies, via preferential digital channels.
- Implementing smart solutions for improving internal management and procedures, focusing on the standardisation, simplification and modernisation of procedures.
- Implementing a one-stop-shop data portal integrating different sources and allowing for greater transparency and access for city residents, following the concept of Open Data.
- Adapting municipal government workplaces to a modernised digital government.
To learn more about the Next Generation Funds and Digital Transformation and Modernisation projects, click here